
Can Dogs Eat Tuna Fish?

Published: November 27, 2024
Home / Nutrition / Can Dogs Eat Tuna Fish?

Dogs can eat tuna fish, but pet owners should be careful about how much their canine friends consume. If your dog licks a small portion off your plate or receives a bit of tuna as a treat, you will likely have nothing to worry about. Even so, it is important to understand the risks of excessive tuna consumption for dogs and what alternatives there might be.

Can Dogs Eat Tuna Without Getting Sick?

Tuna fish is one of those foods, like yogurt or sweet potatoes, that are common as dog treats but give some pet owners pause. The reality is that tuna fish is okay to give to your dog in small quantities as an occasional treat. However, the high levels of mercury present in tuna will likely cause health issues if you feed a large amount to your dog or make a habit of feeding tuna often. 

According to the American Kennel Club, dogs may experience kidney damage, vomiting, diarrhea, and other symptoms if they eat too much tuna. If your dog loves the taste of fish, consider food products like Orijen Six Fish Grain-Free Dry Dog Food that contain species like herring or whitefish instead.

What Should You Know When Feeding Tuna to Your Dog?

Tuna contains higher levels of mercury compared to other fish species, meaning there is a limit to how much a dog or even a human should consume. While a human would have to eat an exorbitant amount of tuna to experience health issues, it does not take much by comparison to create a harmful effect for some dogs. 

Fish is an extremely healthy addition to a dog’s diet, though, due to its richness in omega-3 fatty acids and other nutrients. While tuna is not ideal for frequent consumption, consider these other dog food products as alternatives to feeding tuna to your dog:

How Do You Know if Your Dog Ate Too Much Tuna?

Can dogs eat Tuna? A sick German Shepherd being examined by a vet.

Aside from obvious symptoms like vomiting or diarrhea, there are also subtle signs to watch for that may indicate your dog is experiencing mercury poisoning from eating too much tuna. These include:

If you notice any of these symptoms or any other out-of-the-ordinary circumstances, contact your veterinarian right away. When speaking to the vet, it is important to be honest about what your dog ate.

If you also have a cat in your pet family, it is especially important to monitor your dog for excess tuna consumption. Tuna fish is extremely common in cat food and perfectly safe for feline consumption. However, there is the possibility that your dog might get into the cat’s food and eat something that will cause health issues.

Get Healthy Fish Treats for Your Dog Right to Your Door

While dogs can eat tuna in strict moderation, your furry friend deserves to have as much fish as they want. That is why BaxterBoo offers a variety of dog food products with recipes including whitefish, mackerel, and other fish that are perfectly safe for dogs to consume in larger quantities. Browse our catalog to find the right treats for your pet family. 

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