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    VeRUS Advanced Opticoat Dry Dog Food - Menhaden Fish Meal & Potato Formula


Verus pet foods uses a straightforward method for delivering wholesome dog food and cat food by sourcing every ingredient from the best places in the world. Their collection of holistic pet food is crafted to yield ideal levels of protein, fat, vitamins and micronutrients to meet your pet’s unique nutritional needs. Verus Canine Dry Dog Food incorporates freeze-dried live probiotics to support digestion and a healthy immune system. Your pup will enjoy a variety of nutritious recipes including Verus Life Advantage with hormone-free chicken, Verus Weight Management that is low in calories and high in digestibility, Verus Advanced Opticoat that supports skin, coat and muscle health, and Verus Puppy Advantage with high-quality protein for developing young pups. Every Verus recipe contains zero meat by-products, artificial flavors or colors, fillers and common allergens like corn and soy.

Related Categories: Dog Food, Dry Dog Food, Freeze-Dried Dog Food

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